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Do’s and Don’ts of Signage and Sales Displays

Sliding door obstructed by sales displays

We always like helping our customers avoid unwanted service calls for minor issues like sensors picking up a sign, display, or other items near the entrance. Here are a couple things to watch for in your doorways to promote safe traffic flow and avoid unnecessary service calls.

  1. Don’t put too many signs on your door. Placing a lot of signs on your door encourages people to stop in the doorway. This can bottleneck or obstruct the flow of traffic, and can be unsafe. When you need to place a sign on your door, DO affix it with all four corners secured. Often signs that are not attached at all four corners will begin to curl causing the sensors to detect movement resulting in the door ghosting or hanging open.
  2. Don’t place excessive displays or sales tables too close to the doors. Newer sensors are smart and can learn that stationary objects are not a concern, but items that move with wind, like the flowers pictured below, can continually trigger the sensor and open the door. Sales displays can also cause unsafe bottlenecks and obstructions of traffic and encourage people to stand in the doorway. When you need to set up a display near your door, DO try to pick stationary objects and place them in areas where patrons can step to the side of the flow of traffic.
Sliding door obstructed by sales displays

This door has improperly placed sales displays that could impede the function of the door.

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