Automatic Door Experts with 30 years of experience serving Ohio, Pennsvlvania, and West Virginia

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Call Today (877) 603-2018

New Springfield, OH 44443

Our Team

Meet Our Team

Bill Warden


The Founder and head honcho. He made the repairs, the sales, and apprenticed most of our senior staff. He loves his customers, staff, and a cup of very dark roast coffee. He actually remembers almost every door he has repaired and installed for over 30 years!

Lisa Warden

Vice President

Half of the original dynamic duo who started it all! The third generation in the automatic door business, she still loves opening doors for customers even after 30 years.

Allison Dunham

Chief Executive Officer

Daughter of Bill and Lisa, she joined the company in 2000 as an administrator. Now CEO, she helps grease all the wheels and keep the company running smoothly. It’s all in the family!

Bill Veon

Director of Operations

Frequently called the energizer bunny, he has worked in the industry since graduating high school in *redacted*. He’s worked as a service tech, glazier, salesman, and now leads our training department, Columbus branch, and is the technician ringleader.

Joe Stoke

Warehouse Manager

After spending 7 years as a technician, he’s spent the last 7 years making sure our vans are stocked, orders are ready, and doing about a million other jobs to keep our warehouse running.

Andrew Balser

Andrew Balser


Our estimator for nearly 8 years, he is the sales guru who will price out a new door for your project. He is all about opening doors, closing sales, and making puns.

Cristi Stoke

Administrative Supervisor

Our administrative supervisor has been with us for 11 years and has shuffled more paperwork for more customers than anyone! She now leads our awesome admin team in all things office.

Brian Glass

Brian Glass

Quality Assurance Technician

The earliest bird in our flock, he is first out the door every day!  For 8 years his favorite response to any question is to happily reply, “Not a problem.”  His mission now is to help keep our  minds on quality with his daily appointed rounds of onsite quality checks!


Ben Wetzler

Outside Sales Rep

He’s energetic, persistent, and just the guy to pay you a visit if you want a friendly, informative meeting to learn more about us. No one cares more about the customers who aren’t yet our customers than Ben!


Gary Allen

Service Technician

The king of tech tips and tricks, Gary has been a cornerstone of our service team for almost 9 years!  If you want the job done right and done right now, this is your guy.


Justin Baker

Service Technician

Starting as a very young man, Justin has over 7 years under his belt as a technician, and now is training the next generation of techs.  Also known as the wizard of all things sensor related.

joe q

Joe Quimby

Service Technician

Kind, patient, professional, just fantastic!  That is how the customer’s describe Joe!  With 4 years under his belt all our customers and staff agree that he is a 5 star tech.


George Wilson

Service Tech

For over 5 years George has been spreading smiles, laughs, and cheerful door service to all customers and co-workers.  A famous winner of our most miles driven in a year award, and most emergency service calls, George is never afraid to put in extra time to take care of a customer.

Megan Dow

Megan Dow

Administrative Assistant

The queen of quotes and the concierge of contracts, Megan has been going over our paperwork with a fine tooth comb for almost five years. Calm, cool, collected, and always stylish, Megan gets it done!


Jen Buckley

Service Dispatcher

Jen is always ready for action, magically managing our map of daily service routes and ensuring our customers see a technician lickedy split.  Also, if you need a funny zinger or a recommendation for a good food truck Jen always has one ready.

Phil Inblank

Future Awesome Employee

Would you look at that!  We have room for our team to grow!  This spot could be YOU!  Check out our career page to learn how you might fit in as part of the Trinity Door family.